Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) Peer 2 Peer session

Caitlin Mckee, Assistant Director of Research, Precision Development (PxD); Shantanu Agarwal, Founder and CEO, Mati Carbon; Wiekert Visser, Visiting Professor and Geoscientist, Heliopolis University/Sekem and Thoraya Seada, Director of Carbon Footprint Center at Heliopolis University/Sekem; Sam Davies of Flux Carbon; and Ashwin Kishen, Commercial Projects Lead, and Carolina Catunda, Scientific Partnerships Lead, Terradot.

This Peer-to-Peer Learning Session gathers CASH members and partners to exchange insights from smallholder-focused ERW projects across Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and South America. The session will allow participants to explore ERW project scope, share learnings, and identify challenges and collaboration opportunities. By connecting key stakeholders and projects, the session aims to expand the ERW practitioner network, gauge interest in joint actions, and explore ways to support climate and livelihood benefits through smallholder ERW applications.

Terradot’s contributions to the session are not included in the deck and video as they contained proprietary information.

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