
Empowering Communities & Advancing Climate Action!

The CASH Coalition is a collaborative initiative comprised of thirteen mission-driven organizations with decades of experience supporting vulnerable farming and forest communities in the Global South.

We work directly with 9 million land managers in smallholder, indigenous, and local communities who collectively steward 16 million hectares of land. We aim to make regenerative agriculture and climate solutions profitable for smallholders and strengthen farmers’ participation in climate financing markets.

Photo credit: Comaco

We bring leading-edge knowledge and practical experience in making regenerative agriculture, agroforestry, and related technologies financially viable for smallholding communities while prioritizing their well-being. We advocate for policy reforms, amplify marginal farmer voices, advocate on behalf of, and expand opportunities for indigenous and local communities to thrive. A key component of our work is creating an inclusive, high-quality, nature-based carbon credit system that directs benefits to smallholder farmers, indigenous people, and local communities. 

Together, we can advance climate action, protect the planet, and empower vulnerable frontline communities. By harnessing the power of nature-based solutions and regenerative agriculture, we can center smallholder farmers at the forefront of climate-positive growth, protect the environment, and uplift communities.


We are privileged to draw support from dynamic funders and philanthropists. The Tawingo Fund, Autodesk Foundation, and the Montpelier Foundation collectively and generously covered our initial start-up costs. The Skoll Foundation has generously provided anchor funding over two years. King Philanthropies, Ezrah Trust, Vitol Foundation, and Imago Dei have provided additional support to fund our operations. 

If you are interested in supporting our work, please contact us.


The CASH Coalition’s leadership group consists of the senior leader of each core member organization.

The leadership group has elected an Executive Committee (EC). The EC meets weekly and pulls in other members or external partners as necessary. It is comprised of: 

Mailing Address: 151 Middlesex Road, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467, USA

Contact: admin@cashcoalition.earth