CASH OpEd on the pernicious impacts of European regulation on smallholder commodity producers
Read more: CASH OpEd on the pernicious impacts of European regulation on smallholder commodity producersThe CASH Coalition is deeply concerned about the unintended consequences of new EU deforestation regulations on smallholder livelihoods in the Global South. The EUDR jeopardizes smallholders’ incomes and market share, and a precarious smallholder transition to regenerative agriculture. Published by the Thomson Reuters Foundation, an OpEd authored by CASH members Debbie Aung Din (Proximity Designs), Willy Foote (Root Capital), and Phuc To (Forest Trends…
Encouraging Signs – Reflections on COP28
Read more: Encouraging Signs – Reflections on COP28I write this en route to Boston as the sun fades and the polluted London sky casts a red hue across a sea of clouds—a fitting backdrop to reflect on COP28, the recently concluded UN Climate Change conference in Dubai. My purpose at the event was to infuse CASH into the discourse, capitalizing on the…
CASH Coalition Press Release: Farmer Voice Report Highlights Smallholders’ Crucial Role in Advancing Climate Action and Regenerative Agriculture
Read more: CASH Coalition Press Release: Farmer Voice Report Highlights Smallholders’ Crucial Role in Advancing Climate Action and Regenerative AgricultureThe report’s findings center smallholder and indigenous farmers in the Global South as active partners in efforts to address the impacts of a changing climate. NAIROBI, KENYA, December 6, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — A new report by the Climate Action for Smallholders Coalition (CASH Coalition), informed by a survey of over 1600 smallholder farmers working with member organizations in…
We spoke to smallholder farmers about how to mitigate climate change. They want to help.
Read more: We spoke to smallholder farmers about how to mitigate climate change. They want to help.Communities in the Global South are often perceived as passive victims of the North’s development who will be pushed further into poverty by climate change. In this worldview, smallholder and forest communities lack the agency and resources to take action, except as climate refugees. This narrative is disempowering and perpetuates a worldview in which smallholder…